

Latest Episodes

Is Crying Really Good For You? Also...Onions.
July 19, 2020

Today, tears are a socially accepted sign of vulnerability, which is critical to human connection. The same areas of the brain are activated by seeing someone emotionally aroused as being emotionally aroused oneself. Which led us to think that there...

Anand’s Travels: India to Source Bamboo as Silicon Dioxide Replacement
July 19, 2020

Bamboo is a part of life in the tribal regions of north-east India. The tribes originated in different parts of south east Asia and constant westward migration created the present scenario where we have more than 145 known tribes with different...

Jade Teta: The Best Method to Handle Differing Opinions and Arguments
July 19, 2020

In this very important and relevant episode, Jade Teta teaches us how to handle heavy situations and differing opinions (this politics/BLM/COVID) with your family, stubborn people, and just in general. I promise you will be able to take these actions...

Anand's Travels: Asia Seach For a Yin Tonic - A Kidney Function Restoration Tonic
July 19, 2020

Anand was searching for Dendrobium nobile, which is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as  a yin tonic to moisten the stomach and lungs, and a kidney function restoration tonic.He found that there are 1000 species spread around Asia and he...

Anand's Travels: Cameroon to Source Yohimbe Traditionally used for Blood Circulation
July 18, 2020

Pausinystalia yohimbe is evergreen, grows to a height of 30m with a spread of 8m. The stem is erect and branching, the leaves are oval, acuminate and about 10cm long; the seeds are small winged slivers, almost paper thin.Propagation is by seed or...