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(Bedtime) Small Talks | 4th Checkup
August 03, 2021

Im back and the podcast turned one. Join me in this behind schedule checkup (AKA comeback) where I look at particular life milestones, mix-ups, and in-betweens. This is literally for those who have nothing to do and wanna keep themselves a company for th

Processing My Freshman Year: 5 College Adjustments | 3rd Checkup
August 13, 2020

College life is a stepping stone to adulthood. But, sometimes, the first-year can be a real pain-in-the-ass, like mine. I dedicate this episode to my brother, who is currently preparing for entrance exams, and would soon enter college. In this Checkup, I

3AM Thoughts | 2nd Checkup
July 28, 2020

Some days arent just good ones (like today). This out-of-the-blue Checkup talks about how tomorrow can never be promised and how changes could come so instantly. Thats why DON'T TAKE LIFE FOR GRANTED. Make better choices and celebrate life. Welcome to m

Turning-20 Realizations | 1st Checkup
July 18, 2020

Henlo! Ever felt at your lowest or losing the momentum to go on? If you did, then it's a tie! Besides, life can seem so over-complicated at times but sorting how we see it can be life-changing. This (not-so-quick) Checkup covers some personal epiphanies a