Ariah Park Baptist Church

Ariah Park Baptist Church

Latest Episodes

James 5:13-20 | Prayer is Powerful & Effective | Sunday 21 July 2024 | Anthony Webb
July 21, 2024

James 5:13-20 | Prayer is Powerful & Effective - God hears the prayers of those who trust in Jesus, and He wants us to talk to Him in prayer no matter what is happening in our lives.Message by Anthony Webb, Pastor Ariah Park Baptist Church

James 4:13-5:12 | Submitting Our Plans to God | Sunday 14 July 2024 | Anthony Webb
July 14, 2024

James 4:13-5:12 | Submitting Our Plans to God - James urges us to submit our unknowable future to our knowable God.Message by Anthony Webb, Pastor Ariah Park Baptist Church

James 4:1-12 | Submitting Our Desires to God | Sunday 7 July 2024 | Anthony Webb
July 10, 2024

James 4:1-12 | Submitting Our Desires to God - Loving our own desires more than loving God and our neighbours will show up as quarrels, fights, worldly wisdom and judgment. Keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus and submitting to Him will help us love God and ea

John 14:1-7 | The Way, The Truth & The Life | Sunday 30 June 2024 | Guest Speaker: Max Goulter
July 03, 2024

John 14:1-7 | The Way, The Truth & The Life - Jesus comforts His disciples with the eternal hope that can only be found in Him.Message by Max Goulter, Ariah Park Baptist ChurchAnthony Webb, Pastor, Ariah Park Baptist Church

James 3:13-18 | Wise Living is Living Life God's Way | Sunday 23 June 2024 | Anthony Webb
June 25, 2024

James 3:13-18 | Wise Living is Living Life God's Way - Living life God's way will look like foolishness to the world.Message by Anthony Webb, Pastor Ariah Park Baptist Church

James 3:1-12 | Taming the Tongue | Sunday 16 June 2024 | Anthony Webb
June 20, 2024

James 3:1-12 | Taming the Tongue - James warns followers of Jesus of the power of their words - words that can built up or tear down; and words that reflect the condition of their hearts.Message by Anthony Webb, Pastor Ariah Park Baptist Church

James 2:14-26 | Faith and Deeds | Sunday 9 June 2024 | Anthony Webb
June 10, 2024

James 2:14-26 | Faith and Works - How are we made right with God, by faith alone, by works? Or by a living faith evidenced by our love for God and our neighbour? Message by Anthony Webb, Pastor Ariah Park Baptist Church

James 2:1-13 | No Partiality in the Body of Christ | Sunday 26 May 2024 | Anthony Webb
May 31, 2024

James 2:1-13 | No Partiality in the Body of Christ - James warns the early church that discriminating in the body of Christ dishonours Jesus' sacrifice for us.Message by Anthony Webb, Pastor Ariah Park Baptist Church

James 1:19-27 | Hear God's Word and Do What It Says | Sunday 12 May 2024 | Anthony Webb
May 15, 2024

James 1:19-27 | Hear God's Word and Do What It Says - Hearing and obeying is evidence of God's work in our hearts.Message by Anthony Webb, Pastor Ariah Park Baptist Church

James 1:1-18 | Trials and Temptations Grow Wisdom | Sunday 5 May 2024 | Anthony Webb
May 05, 2024

James 1:1-18 | Trials and Temptations Grow Wisdom - We can find joy in our trials, and as we wrestle with temptations, as it is through these struggles that we grow in godly wisdom and the perservance of our faith. Message by Anthony Webb, Pastor Ariah