Considering Christianity as a Scientist Series

Considering Christianity as a Scientist Series

Latest Episodes

Podcast 25, Considering Christianity as a Scientist, Why Jesus?
April 08, 2023

In this discussion we consider why Jesus, why with a Supreme Creator God did we need an intermediator, an interface, a savior. Building on all our other podcasts we arrive at the crux of Christianity.

Podcast 24, Considering Christianity as a Scientist, Living as a Scientist and a Christian, Part 3 of 3.
July 28, 2022

Podcast 24 is the third and final part of this three-part series on living as a scientist and a Christian. We discuss the teaching of Jesus and how it applies and has meaning for us as scientific thin

Podcast 23, Considering Christianity as a Scientist, Living as a Scientist and a Christian, Part 2 of 3.
July 28, 2022

We continue from Part One of of this three part series on living as a scientist and a Christian. We discuss the reasoning of Why Jesus.

Podcast 22, Considering Christianity as a Scientist, Living as a Scientist and a Christian, Part 1 of 3.
July 26, 2022

This is a three-part series on Living as a Scientist and a Christian. This podcast, Podcast 22 is Part 1. We discuss accepting Christ and Christianity as a scientific thinker and then living as both.

Podcast 21. Considering Christianity as a Scientist, Considering Hubris
April 13, 2022

This podcast continues our thoughts about Considering Christianity as Scientific thinking people but is a new series of shorter, more focused topics. This podcast discusses human hubris and how it imp

Podcast 20. Considering Christianity as a Scientist, Considering Praise and Worship, Glory and Holy
December 19, 2021

We consider and discuss in this podcast the concepts of praise and worship but through the process of understanding the words and concepts of Glory and Holy. We believe that it helps to understand

Podcast 19. Considering Christianity as a Scientist, Considering Prayer
October 23, 2021

Being a scientific thinker and considering the Christian concept and construct of prayer, how to pray, what to pray, is discussed. Developing a prayer approach, accepting prayer as a way to talk with

Podcast 18. Considering Christianity as a Scientist, Considering James
August 17, 2021

In Podcast 18 we discuss the history of the Book of James in the New Testament, the authors story, and the teaching he relays to the distributed Jewish Christian believers. This may be the earliest w

Podcast !7. Considering Christianity as a Scientist, Questions on Repentance, Baptism and Sacrifice
June 18, 2021

Podcast 17 continues our Considering Christianity as a Scientist series by addressing listener questions about repentance, baptism and sacrifice. We discuss the meaning and methods of the words and th

Podcast 16, Considering Christianity as a Scientist, Revisiting the Creator God
May 02, 2021

Podcast 16 begins a series of responses to specific questions starting with the Creator God. This podcast is a follow up to Podcast 1 and discusses our God beyond what we understand as our physics bas