Teenage Radio

Teenage Radio

Latest Episodes

A New Nigeria
October 15, 2020

Inspired by the #EndsSarsNow Protest

A Painted Room
July 05, 2020

Two siblings receive gifts from their father for their birthday. True to their mother's fears, these gifts are capable of spelling doom, but nothing is past God's saving grace!

The Psychology of Prayer
July 04, 2020

Prayer is as interesting as a visit to the Psychologist. It is relieving and unburdening, building up our most holy faith in God. Music Credits: "I go Stay "by Nosa and " The Lord's Prayer" by HillSong

Don't do it!
June 28, 2020

Two teenagers at extreme ends of mental and spiritual wellbeing meet and this births heavenly light and pure love. You too can be love and light in God's designated way!

Akobi: 'Firstborn from the dead"
June 23, 2020

From Cain, Esau, Reuben, Mannaseh, the firstborns who died in Egypt, firstborns seem to often be a hot mess. Does this apply to us, should this trend linger? Find out what our fate in Christ really is.

Early Bird
June 22, 2020

Amaka and her twin are on a road trip, one their Father considers similar to life and destiny. See who gets the promise and learn how this applies to your relationship with God.