

Latest Episodes

Epiosde 100
July 27, 2022

Episode number 100!!Wow! I cannot believe how quickly two years and 100 episodes have gone by! Today's episode is one of reflection and gratitude. I cover the highs and the lows of the last two years of the podcast. I could have never imagined that when

Habits of the heart-Selfishness and Stubbornness
July 20, 2022

Many of our sins and bad habits often stem from our hearts. The selfish and stubborn thoughts, actions, and behaviors are a result of being in the world. However, all hope is not lost if we struggle with these issues. In today's episode, we cover some of

Developing a Kingdom Mindset
July 13, 2022

What is a kingdom mindset? And why is it so important? In today's episode, I discuss what a kingdom mindset is and why we should strive to develop one, as well as maintaining one. Life is complex and things can change overnight. A kingdom mindset can help

Guarding our minds
July 06, 2022

"I am a failure" "I am not *blank* enough" "It is all my fault"Above are just a few examples of the kind of negative thoughts and perspectives that we may believe as the truth. However, through scripture, we know that these types of thoughts are not from

Should Christians get involved?
June 29, 2022

On June 24th, the Supreme Court of the United States overturned the ruling on Roe v. Wade. Meaning that abortions are no longer a federal constitutional right, leaving the terms of legality up to each state. Statistics show that 26 of the 50th states are

What it means to surrender to God
June 22, 2022

A popular phrase within the church is to "surrender to God." But, have you ever wondered, what does it actually mean to surrender or submit to the will of God. Outside sources may make it seem as if this is an oppressive idea or process. This is why I fee

Christianity and environmental issues
June 15, 2022

Where should Christians stand in regards to environmental issues or climate change? And what does the Bible say, if anything? In today's episode, I cover the relationship between Christianity and the environment. It seems, as always, the world is pretty d

Holding onto seeds of faith
June 08, 2022

A popular parable in the Bible is the lesson of a mustard seed. In this parable, we see that faith the size of a mustard seed could command a mountain to move or a tree to uproot. Essentially, the smallest amount of faith in the Lord can do the most extra

Learning how to prioritize God in your daily life.
June 01, 2022

We know that God should be the number one priority in our lives. Our relationship should be held above everything else. But how can we prioritize our time and relationship with God every single day? Especially when we are in seasons of trials and tribulat

Struggling to hear God's voice and important updates
May 25, 2022

I am sending all my thoughts and prayers to the countless victims, survivors, and communities affected by senseless crimes and sins. We cannot allow this kind of evil and hate to be normalized.This is episode number 91, I speak about my future plans wit