Strengthen The Soul

Strengthen The Soul

Latest Episodes

Embodiment is the missing piece
June 27, 2022

In 2021, I began to put the pieces together on why I wasn't seeing results in my life. I realized embodiment was my issue. I was not living out my truth or my values. Once I began to embody the version of myself that I truly valued, my life changed.

I won HV magazine's Best Of Hudson Valley Mind/Body Program! This is my story
June 22, 2022

In this episode, I share my reflections on winning best of Hudson Valley in the Mind/Body Program Category and my story on getting here. I am so grateful for all of you and for nominating/voting for me!! This means so much to me and this episode tells you

Holistic Healing with Amanda Monnier
May 31, 2022

I connected with Amanda about holistic healing and how our life presented so many signs to show us it was time to shift and heal. You can find Amanda at

Why do we settle?
May 07, 2022

In this episode, I talk freely on how to navigate through blocks in making positive changes. 

A beautiful and open conversation with my mother
May 04, 2022

In honor of mother's day, I bring you a conversation with my mom talking about the transitions going on in our family and motherhood. 

Thank you to my triggers and minimizing judgement
April 27, 2022

This episode is all about identifying where we can heal deeper by our triggers. 

Lessons from a difficult time
April 21, 2022

This episode is my transparency and vulnerability of the lessons I have been learning from a difficult time in my life. I hope this serves you well. If you or anyone you know is struggling with mental health concerns, please reach out for help and medical

How to release expectations in your meditation practice with Dana
March 17, 2022

In this episode we dive into how meditation can help to heal you in unexpected ways and how to release expectations in your meditation practice.  Dana, our special guest can be found on IG at Danasoulrises

Healing at the Roots part 1
March 12, 2022

These are the roots. This is how we reflect and understand healing on a deeper level. This episode is an introduction on how to gain more clarity on your healing journey about what patterns have manifested, based on what is at the roots. 

The difficult time you're going through is a portal to deeper healing
March 07, 2022

Listening to this will help you to feel validated in the difficult season you're navigating through right now. In this episode I go over healing practices to help you to go deeper into your healing journey and create the balance that you're seeking.