Spirit Rock Meditation Center: dharma talks and meditation instruction

Spirit Rock Meditation Center: dharma talks and meditation instruction

Latest Episodes

Donald Rothberg: Practicing with Fear 2
May 18, 2022

(Spirit Rock Meditation Center) We review briefly some of what we covered in the last session (April 27) on practicing with fear. We then explore the various types of fear reported in the group, what

Cara Lai: Metta When Stuff is Hard (Retreat at Spirit Rock)
May 17, 2022

(Spirit Rock Meditation Center) The basics of the Brahma Viharas and some ways to practice Metta when times are tough and you're not really into it.

Ayya Anandabodhi: Asubha - The Unbeautiful (Retreat at Spirit Rock)
May 12, 2022

(Spirit Rock Meditation Center) Exploring the unbeautiful (asubha) as a path to peace.

Ayya Anandabodhi: Untangling the Knot of Self (Retreat at Spirit Rock)
May 11, 2022

(Spirit Rock Meditation Center) An exploration of anatta - "not-self".

Ayya Santacitta: Before it is too late ~ a gentleness which comes from clarity (Retreat at Spirit Rock)
May 11, 2022

(Spirit Rock Meditation Center) Guided Meditation on the Seven Factors of Awakening, Emptiness and Mortality

Sylvia Boorstein: Wise Understanding and Wise Intention
May 11, 2022

(Spirit Rock Meditation Center)