Crystal DeMarr

Crystal DeMarr

Latest Episodes

How Do You Talk to You?
November 27, 2020

Self-talk, the way we speak to and treat ourselves, can say a lot about how we think and feel. It can speak on the growth we have obtained, or the hindrance of it just the same. It's all about that internal dialogue. Switch it up.

Heart Check
November 13, 2020

It's time to check your heart's posture. What's weighing on it? What is weighing heavily upon your spirit? What is it that you know you need to do? Stop putting it off. Do it.

Tough Love
October 02, 2020

I'm tough on you, because I see the good in you. I see the growth that can be had, and how rewarding it would be once you start striving for that very thing. I'm tough on you, because I love you, and I want to see you elevate and evolve.

Dealing with Manipulative People
August 02, 2020

We've all endured them, may currently be enduring them, or will do so in the future, for certain. Manipulative people are everywhere, so you need to learn what manipulation is, learn their tactics, and learn how to call it out and address it. Nip their ma

Choose Joy!
June 30, 2020

Feelings change just like the weather, and you, yourself, have the ability to change them. If you feel sad right now, CHOOSE to turn it around. CHOOSE to feel joy, instead! Walk in the fullness of God. ✨

Rejection is a Blessing
June 30, 2020

No one likes to be rejected when it comes to being interested in someone, but rejection is a blessing. Rejection saves you time and frees up your attention from that person who isn't for you, and makes room for the one who is. --- This episode is spon

It's Not You Sis, It's Him
June 23, 2020

Sometimes a shift in perspective is all you need for it to all make sense. He's not really fighting with you, sis. He's fighting with himself. The fight is within.