Cuppa Press

Cuppa Press

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A Beginner's Guide to Sales Enablement
September 27, 2021

What does a hip nightclub have to do with Sales Enablement?Are you calling yourself an Enablement team when you're in fact a Marketing team?What does success look like in Sales Enablement?Melissa Madian, founder of TMM Enablement Services and author of

Differentiation Hot Takes
July 01, 2021

If asked about trashy differentiation tricks that are touted as best practices, most people might hold back.But Peep Laja is not most people. Having spearheaded brands such as CXL and Wynter, Peep steamed out hot takes one after the other, without holdin

Live streaming as part of your outreach strategy
April 19, 2021

B2B brands have toppled the podcast bandwagon with a new podcast launching every 8.9 minutes (thats a completely made up stat, but you get the idea).They create these podcast episodes, cross their fingers, shut their eyes tight in prayer, and hope their

Content Strategy for Dummies
December 28, 2020

Posting content on every social media platform, every single day works for people with an extensive team dedicated just for this. But will it work for you? Making you ponder on this is Kris Hughes, a content strategist with over a decade’s experience. Kri

Stories, Vulnerability, and Binge-Worthy Content
November 23, 2020

As the camera started rolling, a sense of comfort settled in on her face as if to reveal she was always meant to do this; as if she was home. Hailing from the beautiful city of Uppsala, Sweden, Synne Lindén joined us in the recent episode of Cuppa Press.

How to Build Your Marketing Superhero Suit
October 14, 2020

"It's never about what we deserve. It's about what we believe." - Wonder Woman What happens when you believe you can truly make a difference? You become a Superhero. Marketers are nothing short of being superheroes to the organization and the audience the

A Beginner's Guide to Newsletters
September 28, 2020

A newsletter is a doorway to your reader’s inbox and eventually his/her heart. From well-established brands to individual creators, everyone wants a share in this pie today and as a result, we’ve seen a sharp rise in the number of newsletters. In this epi

Decoding Presales and Product Management
September 08, 2020

A Passionate presales and product management specialist, Kishore never agrees with anyone who says presales is just about preparing presentations. Latest in Cuppa Press is a very candid conversation with Kishore, who currently heads Presales at Kriti Lab

Selling in This Digital Economy
August 20, 2020

“Don’t let personalization be perceived as creepy!” exclaims Mike Cook, the Director of Research at DT consulting. He further goes on to call the pandemic “Online’s Big Bang moment”. Talking about how businesses can enable sales in today’s digital economy

Content Marketing Playbook for SMBs
August 04, 2020

As a content marketer, what has always excited me about my job is to get the stories of brands across to their audience and create magical experiences.On the other hand, it is also quite depressing to see that businesses focus on selling and swamping pe