Latest Episodes

Confidence II
July 30, 2023

Today we focused on how we get our self-worth from the outside world and how we should look to God

July 23, 2023

Beginning talks about confidence and how it affects our daily lives.

Business/SideHustle Check-In
July 16, 2023

Yolanda, Brittany and Jaimie come together to talk about their journey to build their business.

Caught Up
January 23, 2022

The ladies discuss how easy it is to get caught up and be lead down the wrong road.

My Beliefs or Yours?
January 09, 2022

Ladies talked about how the beliefs we were raised with have changed or not changed

2022 Expectations
January 02, 2022

What are you planning for 2022.

October 24, 2021

What does success means to you. How do you define success.

October 10, 2021

The ladies deal with knowing what their purpose in life is.

Boundaries featuring "Seren Feels"
September 26, 2021

Topic on boundaries and what we feel about them.

Financial Literacy
September 05, 2021

The ladies talk about their current situation and listen to recommendations from a book called Secrets of Six Figure Women.