Woodside Bible Church Algonac

Woodside Bible Church Algonac

Latest Episodes

Belief that is Seen - Palm Sunday - Woodside Bible Church Algonac
March 26, 2024

How can others see Christ in you? A question, perhaps we all have asked at some point in our walks with Christ. We believe in Christ, but how do we extend that belief to others? This Holy season we are diving into a new series, Believe, taking a look at t

It’s Not Just About Me - Confessions: Part 5 - Woodside Bible Church Algonac
March 19, 2024

In our walks of faith, our lives have a big influence on the communities we are immersed in. Whether we realize it or not, the choices we make and the things we do have an impact. As God created us as communal beings, therefore, the groups we are a part o

It's On Me - Confessions: Part 3 - Woodside Bible Church
March 05, 2024

As we journey on in our series, Confessions: Erasing Shame and Experiencing Renewal, we will see that an essential part of confession is taking responsibility for our sin. In Romans, we see that Paul states, “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory

God's Immeasurable Mercy- Confessions: Part 2 - Woodside Bible Church Algonac
February 27, 2024

We are continuing in our new series, Confessions: Erasing Shame and Experiencing Renewal, this week we will be diving into Gods mercy and how He is faithful to show us mercy. When we appeal to the character of God and appeal to the cleansing power of God,

When God Confronts Our Sin - Confessions: Part 1 - Woodside Bible Church Algonac
February 20, 2024

We are beginning a new series, Confessions: Erasing Shame and Experiencing Renewal, where we will look at 2 Samuel to better understand the role confession plays in our lives for us to find renewal. Today, we begin talking about this topic looking at Davi

Faith in the Face of Lions - Daniel: Part 6 - Woodside Bible Church Algonac
February 13, 2024

Today, we are closing out our series, Daniel: Clash of Cultures, looking at the life of Daniel as he faced several difficulties and resided in a land that was hostile to God. As Christians, we are called to have faith, a faith that stands strong against t

Following a Father's Footsteps - Daniel: Part 5 - Woodside Bible Church Algonac
February 06, 2024

Today, we are diving into another chapter in Daniel, looking at the fall of a king who opposed God. In this chapter, we see that God is sovereign over ungodly kings and kingdoms. We learn lessons from history and actively try not to repeat their past mist

The Dangers of Pride - Daniel: Part 4 - Woodside Bible Church Algonac
January 30, 2024

Today, we are moving forward in our series on Daniel, looking at the journey of Daniels life and his courage to stay loyal to God whilst living in a culture that rejected God. Pride so simply entangles us in its grasp. It is easy to get caught in the suc

Faith in the Furnace - Daniel: Part 3 - Woodside Bible Church Algonac
January 23, 2024

Today we will continue our series, Daniel: Clash of Cultures, looking at another courageous story of Daniel and his friends in Babylon. When faced with the direct command to bow down to a false image by King Nebuchadnezzar, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

A Kingdom Dream - Daniel: Part 2 - Woodside Bible Church Algonac
January 18, 2024

Have you faced moments of great struggle? There can be times in our lives when it feels like our world is crumblingwhen God seems distant or doesnt seem to hear us. During these times it is easy to turn from God and indulge in worldly ways. But we can l