Weekly Wednesday Q&A with Juha Ruokangas

Weekly Wednesday Q&A with Juha Ruokangas

Latest Episodes

#36 - Is it worth modding my guitar..?
May 18, 2021

"I bought a guitar.. but the neck profile is not comfortable. The pickups could be hotter, too! Should I get another guitar - or have this one modded? Is it worth the money?"Let's talk about guitar modifications! On this episode you'll

#35 - Myths vs Reality: What Is The Best Neck Joint?
May 12, 2021

Should I go for bolt-on? Set neck? Neck-through-body? The web is full of advice - but can I trust it?Do an internet search, and you'll find TONS of articles and videos comparing neck joints of guitars. The forums are saturated with opinions on the to

#34 - 7 Reasons To Think Twice Before Ordering My Guitar
May 04, 2021

As you know, I'm not typically doing these Weekly Wednesday Live about my own guitars. But.. since the broadcast IS about answering your questions and possible concerns, I thought it would be useful for you if I addressed a bunch of rather common neg

#33 - James Lascelles from Wheel - What Makes You 'Fugue'?
April 22, 2021

FUGUE /fjuːɡ/1. In MUSIC - a contrapuntal composition in which a short melody or phrase (the subject) is introduced by one part and successively taken up by others and developed by interweaving the parts.2. In PSYCIATRY - a state of loss of awareness of o

#32 - We All Know What 'Quality' Means... Right..?
April 14, 2021

"Some things are better than others, that is, they have more quality. But when you try to say what the quality is, apart from the things that have it, it all goes poof!" - Robert M. PirsigLet's discuss quality! What is it? How can you tell

#2 - My guitar sounds like crap... Is it the pickups?
June 27, 2020

In this episode we'll talk about where exactly does the electric guitar sound come from!

#1 - Yesterday my guitar felt better than today... What happened!?
June 24, 2020

In this Q&A we'll talk about what makes a guitar feel good to play!
