Latest Episodes

SABA Teams Community Impact 3 - Sex Trafficking (Part 2)
June 25, 2020

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SABA Teams Community Impact 5 - Sanctity of Life (Part 2)
June 25, 2020

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SABA Teams Community Impact 4 - Sanctity of Life (Part 1)
June 25, 2020

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SABA TOPICS 4 - Leadership During Disruption - good leaders quit what is not working
June 25, 2020

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SABA Talks 15 - Digital Evangelism; The Here & Now
June 24, 2020

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SABA Talks 16 - A Pastor’s Perspective on Congregational Prayer
June 24, 2020

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SABA Talks 14 - The Benefits of Pastors Leading Congregational Prayer
June 24, 2020

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SABA Talks 17 - A Pastor’s Perspective on Congregational Prayer
June 24, 2020

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SABA Talks 11 - John Butler (Part 2)
June 24, 2020

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SABA Talks 10 - John Butler (Part 1)
June 24, 2020

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