Living Bhakti

Living Bhakti

Latest Episodes

You Are a Pure Devotee Part 1 - 7/5/21
December 23, 2022

Prabhupada saw us as we could become, in our potential as pure devotees, not as fallen conditioned souls. He treated us as pure devotees and we fit into the shoes, so to speak.

What if a Devotee is Always Chanting, But Always Criticizing Devotees? (4/5/21)
April 24, 2021

If someone is always chanting but also criticizes devotees, it means that they are chanting nama-aparadha. 

What We Call Happiness is Just a Relief from Misery (Chinese Translation) 2/27/21
April 24, 2021

Boundless happiness is accompanied by detachment, it is not accompanied by sense gratification.If you saw the beauty of Krishna then nothing in this world would register in your mind as happiness. 

When Mahaprabhu Accepted Sannyasa (3/26/21)
April 24, 2021

Reading from the Introduction to Srimad Bhagavatam. 

Golden God in the Iron Age (3/24/21)
April 24, 2021

The process of self-realization has never been as easy as it is now.

Mahaprabhu's Weapons are His Beauty, Associates, and the Holy Name (3/24/21)
April 24, 2021

Reading from the introduction to Srimad Bhagavatam. 

Understanding and Receiving Mercy (with Portugese Translation) 3/27/21
April 24, 2021

Krishna's desire is always to save the fallen souls. But when you add Radharan's compassion to it, then it becomes unprecedented mercy. And the worst thing that we could do is to take it for granted. 

Talk on Low Self-Esteem (Q&A) 4/2/21
April 24, 2021

What is the difference between humility and low self-esteem?Humility is power, but low self-esteem is a weakness that may sometimes manifest in the form of arrogance or false power. 

Srila Prabhupada and His Female Disciples (Italian Translation) 3/26/21
April 24, 2021

Srila Prabhupada never wanted us to become sexist, he wanted us to respect everyone and not use the shastra to push our own agendas. 

Ekadasi Kirtan Talk - for ISKCON Kirtan Ministry (3/25/21)
April 24, 2021

What do you find as your biggest obstacle to good japa?