I'll Fix Your Toxic Wagon

I'll Fix Your Toxic Wagon

Latest Episodes

I'll Fix Your Toxic Wagon, Episode 5: Alexis Baden-Mayer of the Organic Consumers Association
January 26, 2021

In this episode we discuss the current state of pesticide use in the US and abroad. Alexis Baden-Mayer, Political Director for the Organic Consumers Association details the legislative landscape and emerging opportunities for grassroots advocates to influ

I'll Fix Your Toxic Wagon, Episode 4: Ruth Westreich on Activist Art
November 05, 2020

In this episode we tackle the issue of medical censorship and the problems this creates during a pandemic. We also look at the emerging rise of activist art and how this can allow for "conscious conversations of consequence." Our guest, Ruth Westreich, is

I'll Fix Your Toxic Wagon, Episode 3: Dr. Joseph Mercola on Stopping COVID Cold
September 10, 2020

Doctor Joseph Mercola, a pioneer and hero of natural health, has a new campaign- Stop Covid Cold, which empowers all of us to ascertain our vulnerabilities to the virus and maximize our resiliency to it. Visit StopCOVIDCold.com to test your susceptibility

I'll Fix Your Toxic Wagon, Episode 2: David Brownstein, MD on medical censorship in the time of COVID
August 11, 2020

Dr. Brownstein serves on the frontline of the COVID pandemic. His protocols have shown great clinical success in helping patients bolster immunity against this virus. Yet, despite his documented success our regulatory agencies have prohibited him from dis

I'll Fix Your Toxic Wagon, Episode 1: Gretchen DuBeau on our broken drug approval process
June 24, 2020

For as long as folks have been getting sick, which means throughout all of human history, there have been those who tried to develop and sell cures for diseases. That, of course, means that wherever you find disease, you find charlatans, looking to make a