The Good Dog Pod

The Good Dog Pod

Latest Episodes

Saint Bernard Club of America’s National Health Day
November 09, 2022

Were joined by Doylene Roberts, member and Health Chair of the Saint Bernard Club of America, to talk about the incredible work the SBCA is doing to further the health of the breed, and the recent success of their National Health Day, which was proudly s

Fear Free for Puppies
November 02, 2022

We are joined by Maria Marano, a Registered Veterinary Technician, to discuss her work in helping puppies have positive experiences at the vet. Learn about Maria's experience as a technician, what a fear free vet entails for puppies, and what "happy vet v

Canine Visual Attention and Retinal Health
October 26, 2022

We're joined by Dr. Freya Mowat, an assistant professor at both the School of Veterinary Medicine and the School of Medicine and Public Health at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is also a board-certified specialist in veterinary ophthalmology, me

Personality in "Gifted" Border Collies
October 19, 2022

We speak with Drs. Andrea Sommese & Shany Dror about the Genius Dog Challenge at the Ethology Department at the Etvs Lornd University in Budapest, Hungary.Learn about the research Drs. Sommese & Dror are conducting, from what being a "gifted" d

The Puppy Connection Part II
October 12, 2022

Nicole is joined by Jaimi Sun, an amazing member of our Good Breeder community (Sunnydoodle Utah), and her recent puppy buyers, Eric and Gina. They share their recent experience working together, and tell us all that goes into applying and eventually brin

Cryotolerance of Dog Semen
October 05, 2022

We're joined by Dr. Christine Aurich, DVM, PhD, a veterinarian and the Head of the Centre for Artificial Insemination at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna, Austria.Dr. Mikel Delgado interviews Dr. Aurich about her recent research in cryopre

Canine Virus Outbreaks
September 28, 2022

Good Dog's Health, Standards, & Research Team discuss canine virus outbreaks, and how we as dog breeders and owners can keep our dogs safe.Learn about parvovirus, including how it spreads, what symptoms typically look like, what you should do if you s

A Day in the Life of a Working Dog
September 21, 2022

Natalie Thurman, a wonderful member of our very own Good Breeder Community, joins us to talk about working dogs: their history, purpose, and unique characteristics! Natalie, who breeds Anatolian Shepherds, shares her own journey with breeding in addi

Breed Differences in Pain Sensitivity
September 14, 2022

We're joined by Rachel Caddiell, who is currently pursuing her PhD at North Carolina State University. Dr. Mikel Delgado interviews Rachel about her current research, all about whether there are any breed differences in sensitivity to pain, as well as the

Canine Physical Therapy
September 07, 2022

We're joined by Flori Bliss, a licensed veterinary technician and certified canine rehabilitation practitioner. Flori currently works at the veterinarian teaching school at Virginia Tech.Flori discusses why dogs end up coming to her clinic for physical t