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Brain rules book summary in Hindi
July 19, 2020

Often times it happens that we feel like there is a rust in our brain but we cannot deny that our daily lives schedule made us do that ! So how did we get our brain to work its full potential well in this book there are 12 such rules among which we will d

6 Steps to cure Depression
July 13, 2020

This episode I will be taking you soon six steps to curing depression by Dr Stephen ilardi ! Hope This helps

In this episode I am gonna give You the summary of the famous book "The miracle morning" in Hindi
June 23, 2020

Even though we all know the benefits of waking up early in the morning still we can't wake up but with the help of this book, we will not only be able to wake up in the morning but also push ourselves to do a set of activities that would make our day more