Cerebral Thots

Cerebral Thots

Latest Episodes

Cerebral Thots: Meet the Cast (ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL)
June 24, 2021

Hi everyone, I checked my analytics, and this podcast has listeners in Germany, Jamaica, and the US. It's been a year since I started this podcast, and what a year it has been. I haven't gone into specifics for everything, but this past year had a lot of

Cerebral Thots: Interlude 4
April 28, 2021

I'm currently next to my open window enjoying the sounds of the night air. I had some blueberries covered in maple syrup, and I feel really content right now. In terms of grief and loss, I am trying to find comfort in orange and yellow. They were and are

Cerebral Thots: Interlude 3
March 31, 2021

It's raining on my side of the world right now. I have wanted to share this piece for a very long time. My good friend sent me a podcast, and in the podcast, the people talked about this piece. It just touched something in me to read it. I have never met

Cerebral Thots: Meet the Cast (Pt. 2)
February 16, 2021

Sit back and relax with chocolate milk and popcorn as I get to interview one of my favorite people, Elaine! She is very sweet and wholesome, just like the whole milk at her house. We have been friends over a decade. My other best friend, Jon, was so graci

Cerebral Thots: Interlude 2 (I love you, Oma)
December 22, 2020

My grandma died today, and I have been missing her like crazy. It hasn't even been a full day yet, and it's so strange that the world is continuing to spin without her. 

Cerebral Thots: Interlude 1 Take 2
November 17, 2020

Please pray for my dog. His name is Kramer. I know there is a lot of bad things happening in the world right, and my 17 lb senior dog doesn't seem like that big of a deal, but he is very important to me. We both struggle with anxiety, and it's so comforti

Cerebral Thots: Meet the Cast (Pt. 1)
June 24, 2020

Meet one of the coolest people I know while we discuss music and good memories.