Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast

Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 79
November 11, 2021

Today on the Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast: When Christ is rejected as redeemer, someone or some ideology will take His place. In America today, we are witnessing the rise of the scientific socialist state promising government solutions to all of our p

Episode 78
November 04, 2021

Today on the Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast: Every worldview must explain how we got here, why we have problems, and what we can do to fix them. In short, we need a plan of redemption. Today we discuss the problem with godless, counterfeit, man-centered

Episode 77
October 28, 2021

Today on the Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast: As vaccine mandate deadlines are approaching, we revisit the Constitutional basis for religious liberty and conscience protections and provide some encouragement and counsel for those facing the threat of job

Episode 76
October 21, 2021

Today on the Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast: Join us for our final episode with David Rubin, president of the Shiloh Israel Children's Fund. We discuss a variety of critical cultural issues including open borders, legal immigration, racial tension, anti

Episode 69
September 02, 2021

Integrity part 5 - Facing the Negative

Episode 68
August 26, 2021

Episode Notes Today on the Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast: People with integrity are people who get results. And getting results is as simple as...Ready...Aim...Fire! This involves thorough preparation, laser focus and the ability to make a decision and

Episode 67
August 19, 2021

Episode Notes Today on the Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast: One of the secrets of living lives of integrity is to learn how to face reality. The problem is we all have blind spots. We all have wounds and weaknesses that keep us from seeing ourselves clea

Episode 66
August 12, 2021

Episode Notes To be effective in your leadership role you must be able to engender trust in others. People will not follow leaders who they don't trust. So how do we become people others can trust? What are some trust killers we need to avoid? Today we'll

Episode 65
August 10, 2021

Pastor Tucci interview

Episode 64
August 05, 2021

Episode Notes Today on the Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast: Today we discuss the critical need for leaders in every facet of life. What can you and I do to become better leaders? Today we begin a deep dive into Dr. Henry Cloud's bestselling book, Integri