Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast

Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 107
June 09, 2022

Today on the Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast: Many of our current cultural battles can be traced back to our differing views of "self." What is our modern understanding of "self" and how did we arrive here? How does the modern view of self differ from th

Episode 106
June 02, 2022

Today on the Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast: We begin an exciting discussion of Carl Trueman's book, The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self. Trueman analyzes the development of the sexual revolution in light of our human search for identity. What is ou

Episode 105
May 26, 2022

Today on the Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast: What makes a nation great? What makes for a strong church? What are the ingredients for a healthy family? Surprisingly, the answer is the same for each. The absence of these two distinctives leads to moral ro

Episode 104
May 19, 2022

Today on the Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast: Each week we try to joyfully proclaim the superiority of the Christian worldview! Jesus said that He came to bring us life to the fullest (John 10:10). If this is true, people should be able to see the differ

Episode 103
May 12, 2022

Today on the Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast: The only thing more shocking and infuriating than last week's SCOTUS leak has been the unhinged and unlawful response of the pro-death community. We have witnessed angry mobs yelling, screaming and making thr

Episode 102
May 05, 2022

Today on the Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast: A massive victory for fair and balanced speech as the Elon Musk purchase of Twitter is finalized! The Left is worried that this signals the end of the world as we know it. Why are they so afraid? We talk abou

Episode 101
April 28, 2022

Today on the Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast: With a May Primary only a week away, we want to remind our listeners of the sacred duty we have as Americans to vote for those who seek the privilege of representing us. The Scriptures admonish us to vote for

Episode 100
April 21, 2022

Today on the Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast: How fitting that on our 100th episode we celebrate the news that a federal judge has just liberated us from these ridiculous mask mandates! We talk about the problem of federal overreach, the leftist tendenci

Episode 99
April 14, 2022

Today on the Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast: The life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus are historical events which provide a rock solid foundation for our comprehensive, Christian worldview. Jesus is the basis for freedom, forgiveness, justic

Episode 98
April 07, 2022

Today on the Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast: Ideas have consequences. Bad ideas have terrible consequences. This is especially true with our ideas about God. When we believe a lie about God's nature, character and intentions, it leaves us and our childr