Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast

Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast

Latest Episodes

E217 Government Coercion
August 22, 2024

The Scriptures clearly define the role and scope of government. All those in authority are God's servants. Their authority is not absolute but delegated. They are tasked with the power to punish wicked behavior (Romans 13:1-4). In other words, there is a

E216 Enemy Tactics
August 15, 2024

While Christians are often attacked for trying to bring our worldview into the public arena, those doing the accusing often hide behind the veil of neutrality. They act as if they are non-biased and without their own agenda. Of course, this is patently fa

E215 The Bible & Legitimate Taxation
August 08, 2024

It was Benjamin Franklin who noted, Our new Constitution is now established, everything seems to promise it will be durable; but, in this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes." And it seems that governments who ignore their constitutiona

E214 Illegitimate Taxation
August 01, 2024

For the Christian, life is simple. God's authority outranks that of the king. The king is to do what God says, not the other way around.But for the secularist, what outranks the highest human authority?Herein lies the problem. An autonomous state will ,

E213 The Failure of Democratic Secularism
July 25, 2024

In America today, we are witnessing the epic failure of democratic secularism. Secularism is the false belief that we can function as a nation and society without any reference to God. Whether it's the frightening assassination attempt on our former presi

E212 Toxic Speech & Unlikely Heroes
July 18, 2024

On today's podcast, we discuss some of the high points from the Alliance Defending Freedom conference Pastor Ron recently attended. We also talk about the power of our words to shape the world around us. And we marvel at the way God uses the most unlikely

E211 Happy Birthday, America
July 04, 2024

The late Francis Schaeffer observed, "When truth retreats, tyranny advances." This has never been more evident than in American culture today. Without a transcendent standard, objective truth, there is no limit to what governments can do, and no

E210 Procession of the Gods
June 27, 2024

Have you ever wondered why "Pride" month is observed every June? And why do we designate the entire month when Veterans, for instance, are given only one day? What is the connection between Ishtar and the month of June? Where did the idea of &qu

E209 The Storm Unleashed
June 20, 2024

The Stonewall uprising and the resulting movement were ignited by a female with male attributes, a fighter, a protector of alehouses, a fierce, angry, raging leader of those who crossed the boundaries of gender, the inciter of a multitude of feminized men

E208 The Lion's Head
June 13, 2024

No other symbol was so prominently associated with Ishtar than the lion. In ancient prayers and poems, she was referred to as the "great light, lioness of heaven." The lion was her chosen platform for waging war and inflicting vengeance. It shou