Living the Abundant Life Christian Center Dr. Samuel Meredith

Living the Abundant Life Christian Center Dr. Samuel Meredith

Latest Episodes

God Opportunities
June 26, 2022

There are supernatural opportunities that God will present in our lives. We must seize the moment or opportunity that may not come again. God is always looking for ways to bless us or increase us but we must recognize the opportunities when presented.

The Umbrella of Safety
June 24, 2022

The Word tells us that in the last days, perilous times will come. However, we can get under the umbrella of safety and avoid some of the calamities that may come our way.

The Price for the Kingdom
June 07, 2022

Jesus said in a parable, that a man sold all that he had to buy the land that had the hidden treasure. When our assignments are revealed, it may cost us everything, to obtain it. However, we will reap a hundredfold return in this life.

Encourage Yourself II
June 05, 2022

When the enemy knocks us down, we must learn how to encourage ourselves. When we comply, we enter into the presence of the Lord and began to think from God's perspective. It is from this mind renewal that we will hear and obey His voice and recover a

The Orchestrator
June 03, 2022

God is the great orchestrator of our lives. Sometimes when we make a mistake, He will fix it so it looks as if He planned it. God is also creating a countermelody in our lives. He is preparing/developing us to be used in a special way, that will surprise

The Holy Spirit Reveals
June 01, 2022

The Holy Spirit will reveal to us, what we are called to do and sometimes what He wants us to have. The Holy Spirit  will also tell us specifically when/ where to walk out the calling, and when/where to reap. If we listen to His voice, we will yield a max

Source Dependent or Resourceful
May 30, 2022

When we get to the end of our journey, before we receive the promise from God, the enemy will change tactics. The enemy will try to give us a pseudo promise. We must not take the bait Wait on the Lord and He will deliver us.  We will receive the promise .

The Goodness of God
May 28, 2022

God's Goodness is greater than our understanding. Before and after we sin, God will try to compel us to come back to Him and avoid sin through His Goodness. His Goodness will cause us to repent because He is so good.

May 26, 2022

When we trust in the Lord with al of our hearts, we will focus on what God is saying to us and not the deadline that is speaking to us. When we adhere to the deadline and ignore what God is saying, that venture will not be successful.

The Test of Success
May 24, 2022

After we receive what God has promised, we must pass the test of success.  There is a natural tendency to believe we made it on our own, without God.  This belief can cause us to fall, if we don't correct ourselves. Let us learn how to avoid pride, s
