Living the Abundant Life Christian Center Dr. Samuel Meredith

Living the Abundant Life Christian Center Dr. Samuel Meredith

Latest Episodes

Face Your Cross
July 31, 2022

God calls us to carry our cross and follow Him. Our cross represents our issues. However, there will come a time when we must face our cross. Through the love of God, He will give you the strength to conquer your cross. This will be a testimony of the goo

Cares and Temptations
July 28, 2022

The enemy will use our cares against us. He knows what we care about. The enemy will draw us out by using our cares, only to tempt us with something we didn't see. We must love  and obey Jesus more than our cares.

Depend On God
July 26, 2022

God is our source, our only source. Do we really believe this statement?  When we are tested, will we pass this test. Many times this is an acceptable statement amongst believers until they are challenged by money. Often times our money is our source, our

Take Up Your Cross
July 24, 2022

We all have a cross to bear. Our cross represents our issues. Jesus told us to take our cross and follow Him. This is what all disciples must do. When He called us to be His disciples,  He was aware of our issues. Our issues should never stop us from answ

God's Favor vs. Man's Favor
July 22, 2022

When God gives us blessings, it has no strings attached. When man grants favor, strings are often attached. When we receive gifts we sometimes feel obligated to return the favor. Sometimes we are expected to attend functions or events across the country,

How to Love Others
July 06, 2022

God wants to show us how to love others by demonstrating how He love/interact with us. God's love is patient, kind and endures long. However, the scripture also says that He disciplines those He loves. We must consult Him when to discipline or employ

The Movie of Your Life
July 04, 2022

Your life is being recorded in heaven. When you are able to face challenges such as death and overcome, God is glorified. Death may not be physical but it can be number of different things. Like a good movie, people (for eternity) will remember how you pu

Partaker of the Inheritance
July 02, 2022

When we made Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior,  we qualified to become a partaker of His Inheritance. To receive the inheritance we must stay in His presence and obey His commands.

The Call to Serve
June 30, 2022

God has called all of us to serve. Sometimes He will allow us to be stretched to serve in a greater capacity. During those times He will send divine connections to help/serve us while we are being stretched. We must not miss the divine connections.

Cares and Obedience
June 28, 2022

God cares about what we care about. We should cast our cares on Him because He is going to take care of our cares. This is important because the enemy will try to use our cares to ensnare us. But if we cast our cares on Him, the enemy can't touch us.
