Living the Abundant Life Christian Center Dr. Samuel Meredith

Living the Abundant Life Christian Center Dr. Samuel Meredith

Latest Episodes

Don't Trust In Man
September 03, 2022

The enemy will try to seduce us away from our dependency on God by showing us a way to bypass God and receive what we want. However, nothing is for free. The enemy wants an inroad to our life.

Don't Worry II
September 01, 2022

God will often place you where His light is dim. On your job, there could be an organization within the organization that operates from a different system. They seem to do what they want to do, with no consequences. Don't worry, God knows where you a

Led Into Hard Places
August 30, 2022

Hard places are places where our flesh does not want to go. However, that is the very place that God is leading us. In the hard place is our protection. as indicated in Psalms 91. It is during the hard place that we develop and mature.

Knowledge Not Born of God
August 28, 2022

Beware of receiving knowledge/information from anyone not ordained by God to give you. This is a ploy of the enemy to keep you from developing, maturing and prospering.

Protect The Innocence
August 26, 2022

Many times we can hinder a persons growth by telling them information they are not ready or mature enough to receive. We must learn to ask God when or if the information should be shared.

Die to Self
August 24, 2022

It is God's plan for us to prosper in every area of our lives. but before we fully flourish we must die to ourselves.

Seeking Approval From Others
August 22, 2022

Everyone has a desire to be approved  by others. However, we must be careful of this longing desire, because the enemy will try to use this desire against us. 

Who Are You Volleying With II
August 20, 2022

The enemy will pitch a thought to you to see how you will respond. Your reaction will determine your success or failure. God will pitch ideas of blessings and how you respond will determine if you receive the blessing.

Who Are You Volleying With
August 05, 2022

The enemy uses the same tactics but it's wrapped in a different package. We are not to be ignorant of the enemies devices. The enemy loves to offer suggestions to our mind in hope that we will positively respond or, meditate on the thought, thereby v

Don't Give Up 2
August 03, 2022

The enemy will attack you by pressuring you to give up. He knows if you don't give up, you will reap a harvest. The enemy will attack who you are and what you are called to do. If you stay in the fight, due season will come.
