Living the Abundant Life Christian Center Dr. Samuel Meredith

Living the Abundant Life Christian Center Dr. Samuel Meredith

Latest Episodes

Keep Your Confidence
May 09, 2022

After we received the promise, the enemy will try to convince us that the promise will not mature to the end. We must keep our confidence in the Word of God and remember what He showed/told us, will come to past, if we don't give up.

He will Add Things to You
May 07, 2022

God wants to posture you or put you in position to be given things, as you seek the kingdom. He doesn't need your money. He will supply you with the money to purchase, but sometimes, He will add the thing to you, without the use of your money. He is

Grey Areas
May 03, 2022

There is no shadow or turning with God because He is light. Many times though understanding we can sympathize with people and cause them to make ungodly decisions. These are grey areas. The enemy is a master of presenting sin in a package that is palatabl

Anointed to Increase
May 01, 2022

There is a direct correlation between the anointing to increase and walking with integrity. The  anointing to increase should be evident on us now, before we get to the place that God has for us. We are currently anointed to help others increase and that

Promotion before the People
April 29, 2022

Promotion comes from God, but before He promotes you, He will call you. If you accept the calling He will ask you to do the impossible, but it will be between you and God. He will prove to you that He can be trusted and to follow His instructions. He will

Perfect and Complete
April 27, 2022

We pass the test by obeying God and walking in love for a season of time. It is important to pass the test on our current level to be ready for the battle on the next level.  Often the same test we passed is the same test we will face but it will be bigge

Fear And Deception
April 25, 2022

Anytime fear is present, deception is also present because fear is a tool of the enemy used to convince us to make wrong decisions. When we flow with God, we operate in His power, His love resulting in a sound mind. 

Sin Against Your Own Body
April 23, 2022

When one commits sexual immorality the person sins against their own body. They become one with the individual both physically and mentally. The interaction mentioned  impacts behavior and the ability to reason.

April 05, 2022

The Word says that the blessing will overtake you if you hear and obey His voice. We can't control how or when the blessing will overtake us, but we can get into position, by seeking first the kingdom and His righteousness. When we do so, we will be

Evil Communication
April 03, 2022

Evil communication corrupts good manners and can also stop us from receiving the promises of God. The enemy will use people we love, are closest to, and whom we admire to speak doubt into our lives in a cleaver way, often undetected. Many times we are lef
