The DWIL Podcast

The DWIL Podcast

Latest Episodes

You Were Born For Greatness
March 10, 2021

You were born for greatness. That is who you are. Spread your wings and fly. Don't be tamed by fear. Arise, arise! The world awaits you now... You were born for greatness. That is who you are. The arms of God surround you. His light will be your guide. Ar

Today We Rise
February 28, 2021

Today we rise, today we conquer. We rise beyond the fears that hold us down. We rise in truth and we rise in strength. Today we rise, today we conquer. Today we rise, today we conquer. In the brightness of the light of God we shine. We are the light of th

Nothing Can Crush Me
February 19, 2021

Nothing can Crush me or silence me long

Simplify Your Life
February 08, 2021

It is impossible to be aggressive when youre confused. I admire snipers a lot for this. Its one well concealed location at a time. Its one target at a time. Its one weapon at a time. Snipers are the ones that are assigned to take out high value targets

If Only We Can Understand
February 06, 2021

If only we can understandThat love holds the power that prevailsOver the grimness of hateThat sorrow ends in the face of compassionThat wisdom in not comparing, in not competingIf only we can understandIf only we can understandThat when a man rese

The DWIL Podcast (Trailer)
January 18, 2021

God Makes Us a Blessing
June 24, 2020

...and I will make them a blessing. Ezekiel 34:26