Engineering Growth Trap

Engineering Growth Trap

Latest Episodes

Three ingredients of successful product
April 01, 2021

For engineers, developers, data scientists and leaders

Empathy - how to do well at work
March 18, 2021

For engineer, developer, data scientist and leaders

This is what you need to know to be sucessful as an Agile team
December 17, 2020

For developers, engineers, scientists and leaders

An important factor in your success which is not a line of code.
December 09, 2020

For developers, engineers, scientists and leaders

Get hired quickly! The secret of IT recruitment revealed (part I)
November 26, 2020

For developers, engineers, scientists and leaders

Tech teams in the eyes of a product manager...
November 12, 2020

For developers, engineers, scientists and leaders

3 things which might make your remote team more effective
November 10, 2020

For developers, engineers, scientitst and leaders

Do you think fine feathers make fine birds? Zoom! is in the eye of the beholder.
November 05, 2020

Episode 2. For engineers, developers, scientits and leaders