

Latest Episodes

Bill Gross, Renewable Energy, Our planet and Hope
April 06, 2021

When I mention the phrase “climate change,” does your mind immediately go to doom and gloom? I think we’re all plagued by a bit of fatalism when it comes to the subject... I know I tend to be. But there may just be hope on the horizon! Through a combinati

Guided Meditation in Nature
March 23, 2021

Do you find yourself muddling through sleepless nights and groggy days? Constantly frazzled, feeling anxious and exhausted? I’d love to share with you my techniques for a restful, full night’s sleep, as well as a tip for correcting your circadian rhythm.I

Weeds, Adversity, and Strength
March 09, 2021

Have you ever observed something in nature that led you to a realization about your own life? Maybe you, too, have seen Earth’s beautiful resiliency in the face of adversity. In this episode, I want to share some of the incredible beauty right here i

Plant Based Skincare with Lisa Goodeve
February 23, 2021

Have you ever wondered what power the plant world holds for your skin? Are you fed up with being marketed creams and potions filled with God-only-knows-what? Oftentimes, even if we’re nourishing our bodies with whole foods, exercise, and mindfulness, we’r

Empathy In Nature
February 09, 2021

Have you seen the beautiful image captured by photographer Tobias Baumgartner last year? The one with two penguins holding hands? That is one of the most touching photos I’ve ever seen, and there’s an incredible story tied to those penguins, that proves e

12 Ways to Connect with Nature
January 26, 2021

“The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.” - Michel de Montaigne Mother Earth is constantly giving us wonderful gifts to connect with ourselves, but in order to do that, we first need to connect with nature to see those ma

Three Key Takeaways from 2020
January 12, 2021

2021 is the year to work smarter, not harder. It is the year to create time in your schedule for dreaming, envisioning, breathing, and getting out into nature. To do that, we have to first get clear on our why, and then prioritise what we know makes us ha

Align with Nature with Surf, Sea, and Sand
December 29, 2020

We all have that one thing we’ve been meaning to cross off our bucket list. Whether it be joining that club we’ve been eyeing, picking up a new hobby, or even booking our dream holiday, we can all definitely relate to the feeling of curiosity when it come

Living Wall - Bringing Nature Indoors
December 15, 2020

Our relationship with nature is symbiotic. As our lives become increasingly busier, we lose track of our connection to the environment around us and it’s often easy to forget how beneficial being in nature truly is. In today’s episode, I want to shar

Everything’s Coming Up Roses
December 01, 2020

Today’s episode, as the title suggests, is all about roses! Roses are one of the more traditional flower breeds and have been a staple of many cultural and fashionable influences throughout history. In today’s show, I’ll be sharing a few famous figur