

Latest Episodes

September 03, 2022

This really isnt an episode. I skipped trying to figure out how to upload music to Spotify so here we are. Hopefully I dont get in trouble.

July 02, 2020

Oh no error 404. I get vulnerable so you can attack me, or not thats cool too.

Intellect and Intelligence
June 30, 2020

Return to some form. Believe it or not talking gets difficult this episode, actually I meant ironically but whatever. Who even reads these?

Video Games/Escapism/The Need for Validation
June 29, 2020

Synopsis: Weeb boy speaks Japanese and believes opinions are cool. Are they?

Education/Life/ The Pursuit of The Greater Good
June 28, 2020

More tower of babbling, learning and opinions with a nice dab of devils advocate.

Masculinity and The Force
June 26, 2020

Yes this episode is geeky in the beginning but give it a chance it gets more interesting over time and even combats society by the end!

June 25, 2020

I dive deep into what it really means to be an over thinker. Honestly. No really Im serious.

Film/Music/Freedom of Expression
June 24, 2020

A nice little tangent of topics. Even Jackie Chan isnt safe.