Arshi Porwal

Arshi Porwal

Latest Episodes

Pointless Podcast
December 04, 2021

Its a random podcast, consider it a kick to start uploading stuff on regular basis!!! C ya

How Peer Pressure is related to Covid 19.
May 31, 2021

So this episode is about how we can deal with peer pressure includes its definition too.

How to stay calm and positive in homely environment.
May 22, 2021

Now-a-days People are panicking so freakingly which is not good so here are my ways which keeps me out of all these panickness.

Perception {Episode 1}
June 30, 2020

The way we see things , people and situations defines our personality . It is the perception that help us to explore ourselves as world to us too.

Expectations (Part-2)
June 28, 2020

Well in last episode I cleared out about what is expectation and why it hurts if it don't fulfilled .In this episode I shared my experience about expectations and why i stopped expecting things from others.

Expectations (episode 1)
June 26, 2020

Well i tried to explain why people expect from others , why expectation hurts , what expectations lead to.

Its my introduction audio of my channel.
June 25, 2020

Well the channel is all about mature topics , topics that people regarded as "taboo" plus i will be sharing some beauty tips and diy's for skin and hair related issues , things related to people mindset , their relationships and many more .. so kindly sta