Taught by Grace

Taught by Grace

Latest Episodes

186 - The Only True King: Haggai 2:20-23
July 16, 2024

The book of Haggai ends, not with a word to the nation, leaders, or group as a whole, but with a message to one man - Zerubbabel.This message is about future triumph and future enthronement. God looks beyond the current temple construction project to th

185 - Sinning Hands and Repentant Hearts: Haggai 2:10-19
July 09, 2024

Sin contaminates everything we do. When we are not right with God, everything we do becomes contaminated and tinged by sin. There are consequences to our sin. The people were still working and sacrificing, but God couldn’t receive any of it because of the

184 - God's Glory in Weakness: Haggai 2:1-9
June 25, 2024

About a month in rebuilding the temple, the people began comparing this new temple to Solomons temple. This new temple was not full of the beauty and splendor of Solomons temple. Their materials were less expensive. Their work was less glorious. They lo

183 - A Better Way to Live: Haggai 1:1-15
June 11, 2024

There are two ways we can live - in disobedience or in obedience. Haggai 1 shows how Israel was living in disobedience by not rebuilding the temple. By living this way, they discovered that life wasn't really satisfying. We will see in chapter one tha

182 - Haggai: Consider Your Ways
May 28, 2024

Haggai is a little book tucked away toward the end of the Old Testament. If the pages are stuck together in your Bible, you may unknowingly skip right on by this book. Yet, this book has much to teach us about the glory of God and how His saints glorify H

181 - Concluding Remarks of Grace: Titus 3:12-15
May 15, 2024

Titus is like a three chapter IV pumping what it means to live by the grace of God for the glory of God into our spiritual veins.And now we come to these concluding verses and think, Okay, everything else makes sense why I should care, but what impact

180 - Emphasizing Good and Shunning Bad: Titus 3:8-11
May 07, 2024

We are marching toward the end of Pauls letter to Titus and in the second to last section, Paul presses deeper into Titus' role as pastor. These four verses have a twofold purpose:Titus was to challenge Gods people to maintain good works and do e

179 - Treat Unbelievers with Gospel Grace: Titus 3:3-7
April 30, 2024

Titus 3:1-7 describes how believers at to glorify God in an ungodly world. We are to be submissive to the government and kind to all men (1-2). Verses 3-7 answer the question of why?Titus 3:3-7 answers this question - Why should I treat unbelievers in t

178 - Who are you looking at for the assurance of salvation?
April 23, 2024

Whenever someone talks about the assurance of salvation, its like having a blank final exam placed in front of us. If we get the true/false questions right and maybe hit the multiple choice ones, we can really know that were saved.If we look at ours

177 - A Faithful God, A Faithful Life: A Conversation with Curtis Haizlip (My Grandpa)
April 15, 2024

We often learn how to navigate this journey by hearing from those who are a few steps further on the journey than we are. In this week's conversation episode, I interview my grandpa to discuss how he has learned the faithfulness of God through his lif