Let's talk 'bout stuff

Let's talk 'bout stuff

Latest Episodes

What are my favorite podcast
July 22, 2020

Welcome back to let's talk 'bout stuff! In this episode, we'll dive into my favorite podcast list. What kind of podcast do I like to listen to?  What are the channels that interest me the most? and Is it worth it to check them out? Find out about tha

How do I pracetice my English? (Reading and Writing)
July 16, 2020

Welcome to let's talk 'bout stuff! This EP I've shared my tips on how to start your reading and writing (in English, of course.) Here, you'll be served with a lot of tricks that will help you improve those 2 aspects of practicing English. Check it out and

How do I pracetice my English? (Grammar)
July 09, 2020

Welcome back again to let's talk 'bout stuff! This EP we're going to talk about a bittersweet aspect of English which is.....GRAMMAR! And I'm going to share my tips and tricks on how to practice English grammar by yourself. Sounds like a great deal? Let's

How do I pracetice my English? (lisening, speaking and vocabulary)
July 01, 2020

In today's episode, I'm going to share my tips on how to practice listening and speaking skills + vocabulary. I've shared some of my favorite youtube channels to watch and listen to, and I've also shared the name list of my favorite artists so that you ca

Why is it difficult for Thai people to speak English?
June 25, 2020

The stuff we're going to talk about today is the classic cliché occurring in Thailand which is "why is it difficult for Thai people to speak English?" Although it is a cliché topic In Thailand, some aspects of it may be relatable to your country too! I wa

"Let's talk 'bout stuff" introduction
June 24, 2020

"Let's talk 'bout stuff" is a podcast where we talk about stuff whether it's serious or nonsense for the sake of killing your boredom and practice your listening skills. The host "Lucky" wanted to start a podcast out of the blue! So here it is. It is a li