Vital Kompass

Vital Kompass

Latest Episodes

Desafios da imigração: histórias e dicas
July 16, 2022

Uma conversa regada com caf e recheada com po de queijo;-)Poucas vezes pude gravar os episdios aqui do podcast fora da janela do computador, mas dessa vez foi um encontro de corpos em 3D!Patricia Rocha e Carolina Fattori compartilharam sobre como foi p

Uma conversa sobre autoestima
July 16, 2022

Mais um episdio imperdvel de bate papo com membros da Casa Paliativa.Nessa conversa com Ionara Feler, Maria Lasa Sampaio e Sandra Gonalves ns exploramos a importncia de cultivar autoestima e ressignificar experincias da infncia e adolescncia que

Smartphones and mental health: an experience of refraining from technology
June 17, 2022

A conversation with Clara Oyuela, Argentinian psychologist and writer.Clara was born in Buenos Aires in 1981. A psychologist specialized in psychodrama, Clara traveled for 3 years from the bottom of South America all the way to Alaska.Her books are: Una

Ciranda de mulheres e vivências que curam
May 09, 2022

Esse episdio uma conversa com a Casa Paliativa, projeto da Casa do Cuidar desenvolvido pela Ana Michele Soares e Ana Cludia Arantes, supervisionado por Cris Ferraz Prade.A Flavia Vieira, psicloga junguiana da Casa do Cuidar, est a frente de um traba

Empatia Seletiva. O que é isso?
March 30, 2022

Empatia a nossa capacidade de sentir o que o outro est sentindo, se compadecer, se sentir movido pelo sofrimento do outro.A empatia seletiva nos revela que mais fcil se compadecer pela dor daqueles que se parecem com a gente.Empatizar d trabalho,

Challenges of immigration: Making a home away from home II
March 22, 2022

Last episode of a lovely conversation with 3 Brazilian women who have been living in London for more than 20 years. They shared about their struggles and how they adapted and created a family away from their country of origin.Franca Matta, Magda Garcia a

Selective Empathy. What is it?
March 22, 2022

Empathy is our capacity to feel like the other does and to feel moved by the other's suffering.Selective empathy reveals to us that it is easier to empathize with people who look like us.To empathize takes works, it demands emotional energy, but it i

Challenges of immigration: Making a home away from home
March 15, 2022

First episode of a lovely conversation with 3 Brazilian women who have been living in London for more than 20 years. They shared about their struggles and how they adapted and created a family away from their country of origin.Franca Matta, Magda Garcia

No caminho do eterno aprendiz com Ana Michele Soares e Tom Almeida
February 23, 2022

O que espiritualidade?A definio de Christina Puchalsky citada nesse episdio que uma conversa leve e cheia de sentido.No trabalho em cuidados paliativos destacamos sobre a importncia de cuidar do sagrado, e essa ateno vai muito alm da orienta

Being an immigrant in London: Sharing stories with Svetlana Lazaridi and Galini Kouroumlidou
February 12, 2022

I had the pleasure to meet Svetlana a few years ago, because our kids are best friends.It feels important to learn about different cultures and to listen to people's stories. Perhaps, nowadays more than ever, it feels particularly relevant to share s
