Intuitive Buzz

Intuitive Buzz

Latest Episodes

Episode #19: Psychic Intuition w/ Kawena Charlot
May 18, 2021

In this episode, I am joined by the talented psychic medium, Kawena Charlot! I pick her brain on what it's like to be a professional psychic and running a psychic school! Kawena shares stories of her own intuitive journey and how she has helped peopl

Episode #18: Astrology + Intuition w/ Oath Oracle
March 30, 2021

In this episode, I am joined by Oath Oracle, an Intuitive Astrologer and mystic business & wealth coach to talk about astrology and intution! We explore where you can find your intuitive gifts in your natal chart and how to use astrology to connect to

Episode #17: Your Brain on Intuition
March 17, 2021

This episode is all about the brain and the science behind intuition. I break down the different brain waves and how to use the different brain states to deeper connect to your intuition. 

Episode #16: 10 Easy Intuitive Tips!
March 04, 2021

Check out this episode for 10 easy and applicable tips that will help you connect to your intuition!

Episode #15: The 7 Intuitive Archetypes
February 19, 2021

In this episode, I unpack the 7 Intuitive Archetypes. I believe intuition is the language of the soul. These archetypes are designed to help you be in communication with your intuition and understand the different intuitive channels. I created these arche

Episode #14: Welcome to Intuitive Buzz 2.0
February 17, 2021

Welcome back to Intuitive Buzz! I’m excited to share with you the expanded mission of Intuitive Buzz: a podcast all about intuition. In this episode, I speak about what intuition is, who holds this gift (hint, hint.. it's YOU), and break down stigmas

Episode #13: Living Your Human Design w/ Jaime Moar
December 08, 2020

Human Design expert, Jaime Moar and I explore one of my favorite topics, Human Design in this week's episode! We discuss all the HD types: Manifestor, Projector, Generator, Manifesting Generator, and Reflector! Jaime shares her story of how she found

Episode #12: Time Traveling: Past Life Regression w/ Daniel
November 11, 2020

In this episode of Intuitive Buzz, I interview Daniel who is a past life regressionist. Recently, I had the pleasure of doing a past life regression session with him! In this interview, not only do we dive into what past life regression is, why it's

Episode #11: Self-Care is More than Bubble Baths w/ Jess Palmer
October 21, 2020

This week I am joined by The You Are Not Alone podcast host, Jess Palmer! This episode is dedicated to debunking the idea of self-care. We dive deep into practices of self-care and how it is more than just bubble baths, pedicures, and surface layer activi

Episode #9: Reprograming Your Thoughts with NLP w/ Stephanie Nemchik
September 24, 2020

This week on Intuitive Buzz I am joined by NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) expert, Stephanie Nemchik! Steph breaks down NLP and how we can reprogram our thoughts. We dive deep into the brain and the subconscious mind. This is a juicy episode where we d