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E238: Why Moderation Doesn’t Work
July 26, 2024

Moderation is impossible. If you can’t moderate, then you’ll never be able to. Some people can moderate with rules and intense focus, but that’s not real moderation. In this episode I’ll explain why we can never be cured, what’s going on in the brain, and

E237: Why We Forget How Bad It Was
July 23, 2024

Have you ever felt totally convinced that it was going to be different this time, only to drink and find out its still not any different? We can repeat this cycle too many times to count, and maintain the belief that well be able to moderate our drinkin

E236: Why Alcohol Feels Good and Then Feels Really Bad
July 19, 2024

At the end of our drinking, we continue to drink even though its not enjoyable and causes a lot of suffering. As addiction progresses it goes from liking alcohol to wanting or needing alcohol. In this episode Ill explain why alcohol feels pleasurable an

E235: Dopamine and Loss of Control
July 16, 2024

Everyone loves dopamine right now. We know its involved in addiction and pleasure, and that it gets depleted when we drink. In this episode, Im going to explain dopamines role in motivation, cravings, and building associations with our drinking. One of

E234: The Scary Side of How Alcohol Affects the Body
July 12, 2024

Cancer and cirrhosis. The 2 scary parts of drinking. This is going to be a brutally honest episode about the scary side of how alcohol affects the body. I purposefully split this off from the previous episode in case you don’t want to hear it. In this epi

E233: How Alcohol Affects the Body: A Deep Dive
July 09, 2024

Theres so much to say about how alcohol affects the body I could go on for hours, and none of it is good stuff. Ill explain why alcohol makes you sweaty and red, how it affects sleep, how it impacts the heart and blood pressure, how alcohol impacts skin

E232: The 3am Wake Up of Shame: Alcohol and Anxiety
July 05, 2024

Not remembering how we went to bed becomes a normal experience, but it is not normal. We get drunk, eventually end up in bed, only to jolt awake around 3am. After the panic passes, we realize weve done it again. We got way too drunk and cant remember th

E231: Everything You Need to Know About Alcohol Withdrawal
July 01, 2024

Withdrawal is pretty obvious, the symptoms that we experience when we quit drinking. There is a lot more to it though. In this episode youll learn about why we have withdrawal symptoms and how alcohol impacts the central nervous system. Then I will focus

E230: 11 Tips to Quit Drinking in Dry July
June 28, 2024

Getting started is the hardest part. What are you supposed to do with your time? How do you get through the first week? In this episode Ill cover 11 tips to help you succeed in Dry July.E190: NA Drinks: the pros and consQuit drinking course for Dry Jul

E229: 5 Mindset Shifts to Help You Stay Sober (That Aren’t Stupid)
June 25, 2024

Our thoughts create our reality. For most of my life I thought that I had bad luck and bad things kept happening to me, but in sobriety I realized I had very toxic thinking. When something happens to us, we assign meaning to it and that meaning can create