Hey, Mr. Wise Guy!

Hey, Mr. Wise Guy!

Latest Episodes

“Our Love, Our Journey” Valentines Day Episode w/ Bri Walker
February 14, 2022

Marriage is like the turning colors of leaves in the fall. Ever changing but still abundantly beautiful. Take a listen to this episode w/my forever Valentine Bri, as we embrace the journey of marriage through several highs and lows discussed.

Connecting to Your Life’s Purpose
February 14, 2022

The only thing worst than death is living a life with no purpose. The term purpose has become cliche in our culture however plugging into your purpose really can be the key to living a most fulfilled life.

Police Reform Through the Eyes of the Law w/ Anthony Collier
July 26, 2020

Anthony Collier is the Student Body President and the Class of 2022 G. Rollie White Public Service Scholar at Texas Law. Anthony is a Lead Student Counselor for the Texas Law Expunction Project and volunteered with Law For Black Lives. Anthony also serves

A Conversation About Racism, White Allyship, and the Role of the Church with Donnie Petty
June 26, 2020

The launch of the “Hey, Mr. Wise Guy” podcast comes in the midst of the most unprecedented times in our nation. While we may have hoped for a promising and optimistic start to a brand new decade, we were confronted with the news of a deadly virus, a full