Podcast Parables

Podcast Parables

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Happy Birthday Podcast Parables!
June 25, 2021

Happy First Birthday Podcast Parables!One year ago, the vision was born to createa podcast that would tell the stories of the Bible in a unique and special way. Because of the goodness and graciousness of God, here we are-- 68 episodes in, hours and h

June 22, 2021

Podcast Parables - Season 4GEN1 - Proclaiming Jesus. Building the ChurchEpisode 10- PriscillaPriscilla, wife of Aquila-- the couple, on which the early church relied on and relished with. They had hearts of hospitality and lived lives in mentorship to

A Berean
June 11, 2021

Podcast Parables - Season 4GEN1 - Proclaiming Jesus. Building the ChurchEpisode 9- A BereanPodcast Parables values exploration & interaction with the Bible and an encouragement to go back to it yourself to see what is really written there. Which is exa

June 04, 2021

Podcast Parables - Season 4GEN1 - Proclaiming Jesus. Building the ChurchEpisode 8- LydiaTodays story comes from Acts 16 when Paul and crew see a vision of a man calling them to Macedonia. They arrive in Phillipi and find a group of women praying by th

Mary, Mother of John Mark
May 28, 2021

Podcast Parables - Season 4GEN1 - Proclaiming Jesus. Building the ChurchEpisode 7- Mary, Mother of John MarkTodays story comes from one verse in Acts, chapter 12, verse 12. Here it mentions the mother of John, also called Mark, and her house where the

May 25, 2021

Podcast Parables - Season 4GEN1 - Proclaiming Jesus. Building the ChurchEpisode 5 - CorneliusAround these parts, we love exploring and interacting with Scripture and encourage you to do the same. All of these stories are taken straight from the pages o

May 16, 2021

Podcast Parables - Season 4GEN1 - Proclaiming Jesus. Building the ChurchEpisode 5 - TabithaTabitha was this woman was full of good works and almsdeeds. She is always portrayed in artworks and commentary as a holy woman, and that may well have been true

May 09, 2021

Podcast Parables - Season 4GEN1 - Proclaiming Jesus. Building the ChurchEpisode 4 - GamalielGamaliel was a renowned Rabbi, powerful Pharisee, and member of the esteemed Sanhedrin. He taught Saul as a young man and he used his voice to calm the storm th

April 30, 2021

Podcast Parables - Season 4GEN1 - Proclaiming Jesus. Building the ChurchEpisode 3 - SapphiraStatus. Power. Prestige. Honor. >>> Ananias and Sapphira got it twisted. They thought their core standards of interacting with the world matched the wa

Crippled Beggar
April 23, 2021

Podcast Parables - Season 4GEN1 - Proclaiming Jesus. Building the ChurchEpisode 1 - Crippled BeggarCrippled from birth with 40 years of hardship under his belt, this beggar stationed at The Beautiful Gate gets the meeting of a lifetime when Peter and J