Building Barrels

Building Barrels

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Building Barrels Update
August 26, 2021

It's been a few months since Building Barrels posted an episode. What have we been up to?

Surf Park Technology Presentation Summary from the Surf Park Summit
May 02, 2021

It's an arms race to create the best man-made waves. Several competitors in the industry have active and operating surf pools. Others are poised to make an impact. The future looks bright for building barrels across the world!     &nbs

Miscellaneous topics from the Surf Park Summit
April 12, 2021

In this brief segment of the Surf Park Summit recap, Building Barrels explores the industry recovery after Covid, and how to best spread the word about the benefits of surf parks to others.  Topics include:  Who to tell about surf parksWhat's

Training and Events at your Surf Park
April 05, 2021

You train to take the gold at the next surf competition. The media will be there to broadcast your glory. Here's how surf parks will not only help you in your quest, but may revolutionize surf events as we know them.      In this insta

Water quality at your surf park
March 31, 2021

Your customers will expect crystal clear waves and no chance encounters with microscopic critters (or larger for that matter.) Keep your water clean, keep your water safe. The importance of this cannot be emphasized enough.    In this segment of

Surf Park Sustainability
March 23, 2021

Save the earth, save the waves. The care for mother earth and her oceans has been part of the surfer ethos for as long as man has been riding waves. So how do surf parks fit into that? Through sustainability initiatives.    In this episode of th

Keeping your surf park safe - Notes on Risk, Insurance, and Safety from the Surf Park Summit
March 14, 2021

Safety at a surf park? Sounds boring. But keeping your customers healthy and stoked should be a priority. Take good care of your patrons, and your bottom line will thank you.   In this installment of the Surf Park Summit 2020 recap, Building Ba

Maximizing surf park visitor experience while maxing out revenues - Notes from Surf Park Summit 2020
March 05, 2021

Developing an incredible customer adventure at your surf park will bring you loyal patrons and ultimately, success!  Your daily operations and wave management impact their experience more than anything.    In this segment of the Surf Park S

What women want in a surf park - Notes from the Surf Park Summit 2020
February 28, 2021

No "bro culture" here! Women want to feel welcomed and comfortable when they visit your surf park. They may not be coming for just the perfect man-made waves so you need to keep this in mind when planning.   In this segment of the Surf Park Summit 20

Predevelopment Design and Planning of your Surf Park from the Surf Park Summit 2020
February 25, 2021

Bringing man-made waves to your area is no easy task. Theres a lot to consider before breaking ground on your surf park. During predevelopment, your site and due diligence findings can impact your design and vice versa.  Let's find out how they relat