Maximising Property Values

Maximising Property Values

Latest Episodes

Is Property Remote Investing Worthwhile?
January 31, 2023

Patricia discuses her experience and the figures involved in buying just within 2 hours from her home. You make up your mind. Is it worth it?

There's Never Been A Better Time!
December 31, 2022

In her first podcast of 2023, Patricia shares an example of an amazing auction pick up.

A 'complicated' Short Lease purchase!
November 30, 2022

Patricia talks figures, law and the Tribunal in this podcast where she shares full details of a recent short lease purchase.

£1427 for less than 2 days' 'pleasure'!
October 31, 2022

Patricia is unable to resist talking about Open Rent again this month

BTL £2005 pcm; 9.25% Yield - London!!
September 30, 2022

Patricia talks about how easy it was to let a 'smashing the rent ceiling' property, on OpenRent without using a Lettings agent!

A 2022 London Yield
August 31, 2022

The proof of the pudding is always in the eating! Is BTL dead? Are Yields impossibly low in London? Tune in to listen to Patricia's views on these.

Get Builder Guarantees!
July 31, 2022

Patricia talks about how to appoint builders in a way that ENSURES you are not left out of pocket!

Clubhouse GUEST SERIES: Anthony Davies
July 05, 2022

Who is he? He is a qualified accountant (Fellow). Then worked in International IT Sales Manager, but for the past 20 years, has been a multi-disciplined Property investor with activities ranging from simple BTL, Developments and Private Property Lending

The Ins and Out of a Refurb project!
June 30, 2022

In this Episode, Patricia breaks down a project that she's about to finish, and shares some of the frustrations she had.

Clubhouse GUEST SERIES: Pat Caesar
June 28, 2022

"Love, Peace & Gratitude" is Pat's ethos. Listen to find out why and how. Interested in running a Guest House or 'Homestay'? You might want to listen to a very real discussion about this area of business.This episode was recorded on Clubhouse, so w