Audio bursts of a business artist

Audio bursts of a business artist

Latest Episodes

The Design Thinking Toolbox and The Invincible Company
July 31, 2020

Practical tools for design thinking and business model reinventions.

Talking to strangers
July 02, 2020

We are tilted towards giving the benefit of doubt to people and believing in them. Defaulting to the truth makes our society to work. If we were to suspect everything and everyone we could not cooperate.

June 24, 2020

You cannot schedule playfulness in your calendar but you can create space for it. And you can learn to become more playful and curious. Like any skill, it gets easier with practice.

Tell stories with your voice
June 22, 2020

People relate to stories. They are memorable and relatable. They are easier to remember. They are easier to pass forward and explain. They are entertaining and fun. They simply work.

Motion is not progress
June 21, 2020

Motion is a great excuse and illusionist. It gives you a sense of accomplishment but leaves you cold in the results. Choose your metrics wisely and observe the output.

The decade of audio content
June 18, 2020

Start talking and get used to hearing your voice. This is the decade of audio for all of us.

June 17, 2020

Coachable people are willing to learn. They have the inner drive to become better. They admit they are not perfect but they are willing to do the work to improve.

Say hi and be present
June 16, 2020

Entrepreneurship is always hard. Now, it’s just extra hard. Keep that in mind when you’re communicating and interacting with people. You don’t know what they are going through.

Create magical experiences
June 15, 2020

You want to delight your customers and make them happy. It’s not about costs, it’s not about limited resources.

Product or feature
June 14, 2020

Products can have features but features are not products. New technologies are usually first novelty products but then they become implemented widely and they become just part of regular solutions.
