Audio bursts of a business artist

Audio bursts of a business artist

Latest Episodes

Cap table nightmares
June 11, 2020

If you only have a shareholder’s agreement that applies to everyone you are calling for trouble. It’s impossible to agree upon anything and getting signatures to company decisions.

Failure is the norm
June 10, 2020

When you’re operating in the unchartered territories the success rate is very low. You can improve your odds by adding numbers and that’s the VC model. From a founder’s perspective, the game is different and you need to embrace this.

Batman and Robin funding model
June 09, 2020

If it is your company and you are the CEO, you’re the Batman. Everybody wants to talk to Batman. He’s the main show. Batman does the heavy lifting but with the support of others.

Getting funding is easy
June 08, 2020

The funding is a derivative of the real issues. When you have the right components in place the money comes to you rather easily.

Start from the hard stuff
June 07, 2020

Focus on the thing that makes or breaks your future. Worry about the other stuff later.

Bootstrapping vs investor money
June 04, 2020

Investor money is a big temptation. Bootstrapping is hard. It has its advantages but you may appreciate them only later.

Baby steps every day
June 03, 2020

It is like compound interest. So easy to grasp but so difficult to comprehend and follow in practice.

Curiosity and the reluctant founder
June 02, 2020

The successful founders are hesitant to start their company. They may even dislike the idea and really hate it. It’s the necessary evil for accomplishing the desired outcome.

Inflicted mobility
June 01, 2020

We are approaching the half-year post and so much has already happened. Hong Kong is no more and people…

How innovation works
May 31, 2020

Whether you want to learn about various innovation stories or understand better the interconnected nature of the innovation system Ridley shines light to the crucial area of our existence. Who wants to go back thirty, twenty or even ten years?
