Audio bursts of a business artist

Audio bursts of a business artist

Latest Episodes

Second-order business effects of adapting to changes in physical meetings
September 14, 2020

Second-order effects (or consequences) can impact your business and result in massive changes in your business model or operations. If people avoid physical proximity what are the implications that are harder to see at first?

Startup Communities
September 11, 2020

Startup Communities is about the inspiring story and the message that you can build a vibrant startup ecosystem anywhere. If you can do it with a small 100 000 inhabitant city in Colorado it can be done elsewhere.

Welcome to the new season
September 05, 2020

Early 2020 kick-started business disruption. If you were not digital-first business already do you still have a business model?

Smarter together – how communities are shaping the next revolution in business
August 19, 2020

Community intelligence benefits all the members of the community who are participating without doing anything extra and making everyone smarter together.

Get together: how to build a community with your people
August 17, 2020

Get together with a meaningful purpose, share the passion with others, embrace the journey together and that's how to build a community with your people.

Books to read
August 06, 2020

Books to read in startup funding and growth, business management, technology innovation and society in general.

First coronavirus and now the power law
August 05, 2020

Watch out for power law and the global competition. It's not a level playing field for everyone. The best thrive and the rest survive.

Do you still have a business model?
August 04, 2020

Radical changes in customer behaviour because of external circumstances like coronavirus or new behavioural habits can kill your value proposition almost instantly.

Dig deep and start with your assumptions
August 03, 2020

2020 is the year that killed many old business models. Most of the businesses have not realised it yet.

Question everything about your business
August 02, 2020

Fundamental changes in user behaviour and external circumstances require full-stop moments to question everything and rebuild your operations based on the new realities and needs of the market.
