Bible Stories 4 Kids

Bible Stories 4 Kids

Latest Episodes

Food for the People
July 13, 2024

Now that the people got water to drink, what about food to eat?

The People Need Water!
July 13, 2024

After crossing the Red Sea, people of Israel could find no water to drink. What happened next?

God Divided the Sea!
June 28, 2024

God divided the sea for his people to pass through!

Last Miracle in Egypt
June 28, 2024

God did the last miracle in Egypt and Pharaoh begged Moses and the people of Israel to leave!

Miracles in Egypt
June 03, 2024

God did nine miracles in Egypt in order to release His people. But Pharaoh was still stubborn!

Moses Met God!
June 03, 2024

God came to Moses on Mount Sinai. What happened there?!

You are Not Too Small!
June 21, 2021

God wants to use everyone, including YOU!

Jesus Loves Little Children
June 21, 2021

Every child is loved by Jesus!

The Soldier, his Servant and Jesus
June 21, 2021

Jesus healed the servant of the Soldier

Zacchaeus, the Rich Man
June 15, 2021

Jesus wants to save everyone. No one is left out of his life changing influence and power