Coffee & Analysis

Coffee & Analysis

Latest Episodes

4. Live within your memes
June 24, 2020

Episode 4 loud & clear for the pleasure of your earlobes. Rebecca clarifies whether it's "meam", "me-me" or "mem" and Amy drops a bomb that there is such a truth of "too much of a good thing".

3. We're lovin' livin' La Vida Lockdown
June 17, 2020

Episode 3 with three instead of two! Amy highlights an Instagram story faux pas and Rebecca's in the correction corner... AGAIN, thanks to our special guest!

2. Is the International Space Station on the moon?
June 13, 2020

We're tired after a trip to Ikea, Amy tells a story about sharing 4 fingers and Rebecca is still on about breakfast...

1. Did someone say brie for breakfast?
June 07, 2020

Rebecca alerts us that brie is a fully viable breakfast choice and Amy proclaims car stickers make her feel sick... thoughts?