Conversations with J

Conversations with J

Latest Episodes

12) Wading the wave
September 06, 2020

Passion and utility are rarely directly proportional. At times they can be inversely proportional. Allowing both to flourish together requires luck, judgement and endurance. Would you agree?

11) The separational sieve. How to separate fact from fiction.
August 02, 2020

The post truth world is awash with a multitude of mis-truths. But Why? The Js examine the theory behind the conspiracy theory. Maybe skepticism of conspiracy theories, are conspiracy theories in themselves?

10) Educational Trifle
July 19, 2020

Like a trifle, the education system in the UK can be classified into many constituent parts. Today j asks which part leads to greater success in later life. The jelly, the custard or the sponge?

9) The leaky cup
July 12, 2020

J discusses the benefits of covid. How it has slowed down the many social commitments that make his schedule demanding. Can he discover a new normal?

8) Two knots one string
July 05, 2020

When faced with the difficult dichotomy of job satisfaction or financial reward, we often stutter in our decision making. The Js explore this and unlock how to make the choice.

7) The ever growing shadow
June 21, 2020

Death is a spectre which haunts us all. Whether we acknowledge this or not it is one of the few certainties in life. The death of a parent before our own is inevitable, but why do we not prepare for this?J delves into this frightening taboo of...

6) Circular nature of advice
June 16, 2020

J shares his grandmother's advice and how he used it in a surprising way.

5) Have you had this conversation yet?
June 07, 2020

As the seismic waves of the murder of George Floyd reverberate to every corner of the Earth, the Js explore the black lives matter movement in the only way they know how - conversation.

4) Moving on from failing
May 31, 2020

Have you ever failed at anything? J has and no doubt will continue to do so. In todays episode he shares some of the practices that helped him manage his emotions when revising for an exam he failed.

3) What's in a name?
May 24, 2020

Names have meaning. They reveal the culture, aspirations, and history of our parents. By deconstructing his name, J explores how he relates to the world through identity.