Mythological Stories In English

Mythological Stories In English

Latest Episodes

S2 Ep6: Kala Bhairava - Shiva Most Fearful Form
September 20, 2020

Lord Shiva in Indian culture is worshipped in various forms. Just like Kaali is the fiercest form of Parvati, Kala Bhairava is the most fearful manifestation of Shiva. In certain subsects of Hinduism, he is equaled to the entire Universe and the most impo

S2 Ep5: Guru Purnima - Worship of Guru
September 20, 2020

"Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devoo Maheshwara, Guru Sakshat Parambrahma, Tasmaye Shree Guruve Namah!!!" On the occasion of Guru Purnima, Mysticadii team wishes you all a very prosperous Guru Purnima. May this day help you with the awakening and rea

14: Varuna - The God of Water
June 07, 2020

In Hindu philosophy different Gods and Goddesses are assigned different universal responsibilities. The different elements of nature like wind, fire, earth, water, sky, etc. are governed by different deities. These deities held Supreme authority during...

13: Time Travel - A Myth or Reality
June 06, 2020

Time Travel – A myth or reality? We all have watched movies taking us to the future like the Time Machine. In movies like Interstellar we have seen concepts of time dilation and relativity. The movie shows how time is running differently in different...

12: Swaha – The Goddess of Fire
June 05, 2020

We all must have observed priests uttering the word Swaha at the end of each mantra. Whenever there is a Yagna performed, it is considered to be incomplete without saying Swaha in the end.  During a Yagna, various Gods are invoked by offering food and...

11: Shiva - The First Yogi
June 04, 2020

The Supreme power and the God of yogis and also a passionate lover of his spouse. He is the ultimate Man and his consort Shakti is the ultimate Woman. Shiva is Shakti and Shakti is Shiva!! Their love story marks the origin of creation and is the 1st...

10: Narad Muni – The Ever Roaming Encylopedia
June 04, 2020

Narayan Narayan!!Rishi Narad is a well-known sage in Hindu philosophy. Narad Muni is considered to be the chief leader of all sages and saints known to live on planet Earth. He is also known as 1st journalist to live on planet Earth. Rishi Narad is one...

9: Nandi - The epitome of devotion
June 04, 2020

Nandi The path to God starts and ends with devotion. There is nothing more powerful in this world than being devoted to something. Devotion means you completely surrender yourself to that person or cause or community. Devotion to God or the Supreme Lord..

8: Mohini - The Divine Enchantress
June 04, 2020

Mohini - the divine enchantress and the only female avatar of Lord Vishnu!!! As the legend goes Samudra Manthan is one of the most important stories narrated in Bhagvat Purana and Vishnu Purana. Lord Indra ( God of the Heaven) had been cursed by sage...

7: Lord Vishnu - Matsya Avatar
June 04, 2020

Lord Vishnu is the part of the Hindu Trinity and is the responsible for smooth operation of the Universe. He is the preserver and responsible for maintaining cosmic balance. Whenever this balance is disturbed and negative or evil forces dominate the...