Hello Martinello with Danny Martinello

Hello Martinello with Danny Martinello

Latest Episodes

Hello Martinello Ep.5 - Days Gone By
August 05, 2021

After a year long disappearance Danny comes back from the darkness. Enjoy the listen. 

Hello Martinello Ep.4 pt 1 - soul searching
June 12, 2020

In this episode Danny is back with a look inside his soul. He talks about learning from his own mistakes, a run in with the State troopers of Montana and discussing his religious beliefs. 

Hello Martinello Ep.3 - Now we're cooking!
June 05, 2020

In this episode Danny  finds his rhythm and gets down to why he's so chilled. He also opens up about being studied as a child while going through schools, how the world needs some change in it's Timmies cup, and just tries to make it through the day

Hello Martinello Ep.2- Why papa?
May 25, 2020

Welcome back to episode 2 of Hello Martinello! Today Danny Talks about going to get new glasses, buying a 600 dollar bike, how his father could have been a race car driver, and growing up being a difficult child. 

Hello Martinello EP 1 - First timer
May 18, 2020

In this kick off Danny welcomes you to the first ever start up episode of this bush league Covid 19 podcast! he talks about himself and why he's starting this as well as all the cool first time stories. join Danny Martinello on this adventure and say Hell