Harmonize with Casey Leanna

Harmonize with Casey Leanna

Latest Episodes

Is your life happening to you or for you?
March 23, 2023

Our childhood does not create our adulthood. Learn tools from me that will help you let go of your childhood trauma. Or any trauma for that matter. Access Consciousness has contributed to my life tremendously and I want to share it with you. Enjoy! Turn o

How to change who you’ve been, with ease.
March 08, 2023

Im devoted to my being. I want to teach you how to be devoted to your being. We are all worth the change. Your change will change the world. Who and what can you be today that would change everything? Im about to guide everyone into their true knowing.

Create The Life You Truly Desire!
June 07, 2020

What else is possible?  Creating your life through your consciousness.  Be aware of all of the possibilities while only asking a question.