God’s Family Plan: Establishing Generational Blessing

God’s Family Plan: Establishing Generational Blessing

Latest Episodes

Pentecost... Holy Spirit…Don’t Leave Home Without Him
May 31, 2020

Pentecost or Holy Spirit…Don’t Leave Home Without HimMillions of Christians around the world are commemorating Pentecost this weekend. They join millions over a period of thousands of years that have observed Pentecost. But first…what is Pentecost?.

The Power of Two
May 28, 2020

In Hebrew, the Number “2” is the word “Bayith.” It is also the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Bayith is transliterated into English as “Bet” (like fish bait) but spelled B-E-T. According to Hebrew4Christians.com, Bet is the first letter

May 27, 2020

In previous Podcasts, we have discovered that God has a plan….a good plan, a plan to prosper us…give us hope…to give us a future. We have also discovered that there is an enemy to God’s good plan. He is much more than some fictional “boogey man.

You Have an Adversary
May 25, 2020

In the previous Podcast, we discovered that God has a plan….a good plan, a plan to prosper you…give you hope…to give you a future. But, the reality is that many find it difficult to balance the idea of a Good God… Who has a good plan for our live

God Has a Plan
May 23, 2020

God has a plan. He has always had a plan. God's plan for you is good, orderly, relational and intimate. God wants to enter into a relationship, a conversation with you (Isaiah 1:18). He wants to have a relationship with you that is so intimate that you...

May 19, 2020

This is an introduction to God's Family Plan: Establishing Generational Blessing as a Podcast. In this season "unlike any other", God has a blessing strategy, a plan to prosper and not harm you, a plan to give you a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11)....
